Worrying Will Never Change The Outcome!

Worrying will never change the outcome! So, why do it! When you worry you create more of what you “don’t want” to experience. Stay Positive! Nothing lasts forever! And there’s a silver lining in every cloud!

Turn your worries over to God! Trust and Have Faith!

Worrying will never change the outcome

More Inspiration!

Just Like The Trees –   It’s Time To Let It Go! 

It’s not serving a purpose in your life anymore! Your being weighed down – lighten up your load! Time to let it GO! 

photo credit (fb/david avocado wolfe)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SelfLove – A Community!!!

Wow, what a year! Last year this time, I was walking down the street on my morning walk –  mulling over my life. And desperately wondering how to start making positive changes. I seem to have had all the keys; yet, didn’t know which one to use and at which time to use it.  That’s when I spoke out loud to myself  ” I want to start loving myself”. Not really knowing at the time that self-love was – IS the Master Key!

Happy Birthday, women. color, box, self love Continue reading

3 Ways for Living In The NOW!

Most of us have heard of the importance of living in the “NOW”! One may ask how do we do this; especially when our mind is always either focusing on the past or dreading about what’s.

Where is the common ground? Of course our past is relevant to us in many ways! And our future is a normal concern to us! 

How can we find balance? 

3 Ways for Living in the NOW!

sun, sunflower, yellow, self love, living in the now


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Just F.L.Y.!!! 


Just Keep Smiling!!!

With all the “negativity” that appears to be piling up on us in the World.  We must try with all our might to keep smiling.

Send our prayers and love, feel our “sad” feelings all while holding on to FAITH!!!

Having COURAGE to keep on Smiling – from the inside OUT!!!

Your smile and positivity in the face of “negativity” will uplift someone’s Life this week!!!

Smile, tree

Take Back Your POWER -Now!!

You don’t have to give your power away to what you see on the news, situations, people or anything for that matter (because it doesn’t matter). The only thing that matters is…
how you choose to live your Life, what you allow yourself to feel; and how you want to act to move forward – for YOU!! Don’t get caught up in the Hype!! God gave you the POWER!!! So, use it wisely – and don’t give your Power away!!! Focus on what you value, your goals and your Future!!

Photo Credit: EarthAngelWritings


This week the inspiration I’m receiving is having FAITH! This extra security & balance could be preparing us for what’s to come. Things are never happening as they appear! So, this week step into Faith & know that all is WELL!